About Me!
Hello Everyone! My name is Alexzandria and I can be goofball. (Which I believe works very well getting real smiles out of you.) I love doing creative photo shoots. What a weirdo; I love my job. I spend my off days reading, binge watching Netflix, spending time with my family and going to the gym all before noon! Just kidding. I do not have that much energy! My love for photography first came from watching America’s Next Top Model. I would binge watch the show with my middle sister. The photo shoots they had were so inspiring, colorful and creative! My sister and I would go outside to create our own shoots in the backyard. I knew then that whatever I did in life had to involve the creativeness of photography. After graduating college with a degree in Visual Communication my photography studio life began! I learned so much from my mentor over the years that I decided to go out on my own! So scary but worth it. There is something really terrific about seeing the look on a clients face when I deliver the their beautiful portraits. I believe I am in the right spot.
P.S. I love GAME NIGHTS and any FRIENDS references!!